ویدیوهای برتر

731 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

leider ist der Ort und das Datum noch unbekannt
schwer einzuschätzen, möglicher weise KI generiert, wenn das ein Fake ist, dann ist es gut gemacht

451 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣Original RAW footage found of the Turkey UFO seen by dozens of residents between 2007 and 2009 in Kumburgaz, Turkey. The objects were witnessed over the sea and filmed from the beach. This footage is the original version.

215 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

UFO whistleblower David Grusch talks about black projects and flying saucers.

208 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

One of the best UFO documentaries out there.

187 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣unglaublich, 3 UFÓ s von einem Stereoskope Sateliten aufgezeichnet wurdenn und das verschwinden von, Flug malaysia 317 beim teleporting zeigt. Quelle folgt, Was meinst Du, wahr oder Fake? komment please

172 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

UFO sighting 1999

159 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

Amazing TR3B UFO sighting video.

134 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣Dead alien found near the crash site of a UFO, as reported by Russia news agency Inter-fax.

85 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣An MQ-9 forward-looking infrared video sensor captured this footage in South Asia as it was recording another MQ-9. After analysis of the full motion video, inclusion of additional footage with a longer focal length, and analysis of commercial flight data in the region, AARO assesses that the object likely is a commercial aircraft and that the trailing cavitation is a sensor artifact resultant of video compression. Case resolution is pending final review. This video is the additional footage with a longer focal length. The apparent back and forth motion is an artifact of the longer focal length and the sensor attempting to zoom in on the fast moving UAP, rather than the MQ-9.

80 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣Original RAW footage found of the Turkey UFO seen by dozens of residents between 2007 and 2009 in Kumburgaz, Turkey. The objects were witnessed over the sea and filmed from the beach. This footage is the original version. For complete case background including maps, location, witnesses, and still images go to www.turkeyufocase.blogspot.com

75 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣unglaublich, 3 UFÓ s von einem Stereoskope Sateliten aufgezeichnet wurdenn und das verschwinden von, Flug malaysia 317 beim teleporting zeigt. Quelle folgt, Was meinst Du, wahr oder Fake? komment please

72 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

Video of a U.S. Navy F/A-18 jet crew’s encounter with an unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP).

60 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣Fantastic TR3B UFO Sighting video. Comments?

52 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣Complete Case Details: http://turkeyufocase.blogspot.com/
Including full reports, extra footage, and analysis.

47 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال


39 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

Scottish UFO sighting video

30 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

UFO´s on Nasa TV

29 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

Triangle shaped UFO on the lunar surface

26 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

⁣Original RAW footage found of the Turkey UFO seen by dozens of residents between 2007 and 2009 in Kumburgaz, Turkey. The objects were witnessed over the sea and filmed from the beach.

25 بازدیدها · پیش 1 سال

Flying saucer gets airport in India to shut down for several hours.

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